Minimum 19 – 22 ° C Maximum 26 -27 ° C
The climate of Caldas has an average daily temperature of 22 ° C throughout the year with a minimum variation.
12 h light -12 h darkness
Caldas constantly receives 12 hours of daylight with very little variability all year round, important for the cultivation of cannabis.
2400 mm Yearly
Precipitations are abundant in Caldas, with a daily precipitation probability between 65% and 72% and generally a light to moderate breeze, ideal to control to keep controlled humidity levels in outdoor greenhouses.
Highly competitive city
The location and infrastructure of Caldas are adequate to supply the international markets since the Medellin International Airport offers direct flights of 3.5 hours to Miami and many other important cities around the world.
Caldas is one of the two main coffee producing regions of Colombia. The skills of experienced field workers are rapidly transferable to cannabis production.
Very fertile, of volcanic nature, suitable for Cannabis
Within a radius of 100 kilometers from Caldas, there are micro arid, subtropical, tropical and temperate climates that vary in elevations from 500 to 3,600 meters above sea level.
Daily light cycle of 12 hours. Cannabis blooms best with a cycle of 12 hours of light / 12 hours of darkness, this regime of light is only experienced throughout the year at a few degrees of latitude of the equator.
Stable temperature range around 22 ° C without periods of cold or extreme heat.
Constant reception of a large amount of rain, which allows the availability of natural water for irrigation.
Fertile, high quality and uncontaminated soil that allows plants to thrive without added fertilizers or chemicals.
Adequate humidity levels between 50 – 80 %. This humidity levels promote healthy growth of plants and to help control mold and fungi.